学术讲座 题目:Agricultural Development in Africa: SomeLessons of Experience (非洲农业发展:经验和教训) 报告人:游良志博士(Dr. Liangzhi You) 高级研究员 (Senior Research Fellow) 国际食物政策研究所(美国华盛顿) International Food Policy ResearchInstitute (IFPRI), Washington DC, USA 时间:2014年3月26日(周三)下午3:00 地点:文泉北楼208室 欢迎学校师生参加讲座和会后讨论! 游良志博士简介
Dr LiangzhiYou is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy ResearchInstitute(IFPRI) in Washington, DC, USA.His current research focuses on assessing the impacts of technology changes inagricultural production, with particular emphasis on developing better modelsto estimate the location and intensity of agricultural production, and toestimate the impact of climate change and changing climate variability onagriculture. Liangzhi earned a B.S. in hydraulic engineering from Tsinghua University,Beijing in 1990, and an M.S. in environmentaleconomics and Ph.D. in civil and environmental engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1999.
IFPRI is one of 15worldwide organizations that make up the Consultative Group on InternationalAgricultural Research (CGIAR). IFPRI is based on Washington, DC, USA and is a public internationalorganization. For over three decades, IFPRI has beenconducting research, technical assistance, and policy communications activitieson a broad-range of economic development and poverty reduction issues relatedto improving food security and reducing malnutrition in an environmentallysustainable manner.